Willy and Mama Woe were busy baking their traditional Christmas cookies for the big day. Willy´s attention was drawn, however, to the occasional laughter that came from the family room. For in the next room sat Billy and Lilly making their Christmas wish list. Curious as to what they were doing, Willy decided to investigate.
"Hi Lilly. Hi Billy. What are you doing?" He asked.
"We're making our Christmas lists." Replied Billy.
"And checking it twice." Added Lilly. "We don't want to forget anything. Have you made your list yet, Willy?"
Willy thought for a second. "Well, no, but…"
"Did you get my gift yet, Willy?" Interrupted Billy.
Again He stuttered. "Well, no, but…"
"I'd sure like the Sally Doitall Baby Doll I saw in the Bymor Toy catalogue." Lilly rudely interjected. "You know, the one that walks, talks, and burps all by herself."
"Who cares about those yucky old baby dolls?" Blurted Billy. "I'd like new mud tires for my big red Tuff Stuff Wagon."
"Whoa!" Exclaimed Willy. "Wait a minute! I think you two need to learn the real meaning of Christmas."
"What do you mean?" Asked Lilly. "I thought it was about getting lots of presents."
"And eating lots of cookies and candy." Added Billy.
"No, no, no!" Exclaimed Willy. "It's about GIVING!"
"GIVING?" They asked simultaneously.
"Yes GIVING." Explained Willy. "You see in John 3:16 the Bible says, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Christmas Day is really the celebration of Jesus' birthday. The gifts that we give each other represent the gifts that the three wisemen brought Jesus for His birthday. And through Jesus, God has given us the FREE gift of eternal life in heaven someday. You see, God has given us the greatest gift of all…JESUS!"
"Wow!" Exclaimed Lilly. "I'm going to add Jesus to my list. Do you think God will give me Jesus too?"
"Sure He will." Replied Willy. "All you have to do is ask and believe. You don't even have to wait until Christmas Day. God's gift of Jesus is FREE to anyone at anytime. The Bible says, in Acts 16:31, Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved."
"I believe in Jesus." Said Billy.
"Me too." Said Lilly.
"Hey Willy, what can I give God for Christmas?" Billy asked.
"Obedience would be nice." Replied Willy. "But that's another story."
The End